
Company Profile
Shanghai Yaohua Pilkington Glass Group Co.,Ltd. (Abbr: SYP) was founded in November 1983.It became one of the first public listed glass manufacturers in China with its IPO completed in1993.Currently SYP has three major Businesses , float glass, architectural processed glass and autoglass, with total assets over RMB 7.3 billion. SYP can produce 680,000 tons float glass, 50million square meters architectural processed glass and 4 million sets of autoglass annually.SYP has long been certified with ISO9001: 2000 quality management system and the ISO14001international certificate of SGS in China. Moreover, SYP was awarded Shanghai Famous Trademark at the end of 2005. The float glass and IGU products were awarded the China Top Brandproducts.SYP architectural processed glass products have been awarded Shanghai Top 100 Brand Name products for consecutive eight years.While maintaining a leading position in China’s glass industry, SYP is striving to establish itself as a leading multinational glass manufacturer.

199 + 上亿元
199 + 亿美元
Total Assets
500 + 万美元
500 + 亿美金
Annual Sales
1000 + 名
1000 + 名
chronicle of events
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